Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Fade Out, smile by Casey Renee Kiser


     I was given this for free from LibraryThing for an honest review.
     This is a collection of darker themed poetry that I enjoyed except for the cuss words that seemed to stop the poetic feel. Cuss words are just not poetic to me, and when I read them in the poetry I felt like I had hit a brick wall. The cuss words just stopped the flow of the poetry. I know that poetry reflects life and life is not always pretty, but the cuss words robbed from the poems, making them feel stunted. I did enjoy the actual poetry because it did reflect the darker, realistic side of life.

     I rated this 3/5 stars.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Faith Volume 1: Hollywood and Vine by Jody Houser/Francis Portella/Marguerite Sauvage

Faith, Vol 1: Hollywood & Vine

     I received this free from Netgalley for an honest review.

     I liked this book for the fact that the heroine is overweight but she can still be the superhero. Yeah! Superheroes can be any size or shape! I enjoyed the art style and the plot that was revealed. If you are looking for a lot of action this may not be your thing. There was a minimal amount of action which was completely fine with me. I enjoyed seeing "Summer's" day job and her normal life. I was confused about a few things, but I'm sure that these things would have been explained later on in this series. I do think that I would like to continue on with this series because I want to know more about Summer/Zephyr's past and what is trying to be solved in this volume.

     I rated this 3/5 stars.